Contact: Karen Montalbano

Baldwin PAL
Contact: Roger Miller
Address: PO Box 237 Baldwin, NY 11510
Phone: 516-623-3111
Email: baldwinpalinfo@gmail.com
Website: www.nassaucountypal.org/units/ncpal-baldwin/
We provide low-cost sport programs to kids ages 5-18 years old. We offer a variety of sports including but not limited to Basketball, Soccer, Track and Tennis.

Baldwin Post #246, American Legion
Contact: Robert S. Hare, Post Commander
Address: 2754 Grand Avenue Baldwin, NY 11510
Phone: 516-867-9873
Email: baldwin.post.246_amerlegn@aol.com
Website: www.facebook.com/americanlegion.baldwinny.post246/
Created in 1919, this patriotic organization is comprised of, and advocates for, Veterans of the USA. They will be celebrating 100 years of continuous service and membership on August 18, 2019. The purposes of the American Legion are: 1 - to uphold & defend the Constitution of the United States; 2 - to promote peace & good will among the people of the United States & all the nations on Earth; 3 - to preserve the memories & incidents of the two World Wars & the other great hostilities fought to uphold democracy; 4 - to cement the ties & comradeship born of service, and; 5 - to consecrate the efforts of its members to mutual helpfulness & service to their country, state & community.

Baldwin Public Library
Contact: Elizabeth Olesh
Address: 2385 Grand Avenue Baldwin, NY 11510
Phone: 516 223-6228
Email: eolesh@baldwinpl.org
Website: www.baldwinpl.org
The Baldwin Public Library is an educational cultural and recreational institution serving all ages and interests in the Baldwin community. It is the mission of the Library to provide programs and services to promote enlightened citizenship and enrich personal lives.

Baldwin Republican Club
Contact: Debbie Pugliese
Address: 2530 Park Avenue Baldwin, NY 11510
Phone: 516-849-8311
Email: baldwinrepublicanclub@gmail.com
Website: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064506677649

Baldwin Teachers Association
Contact: Anthony DeAngelis
Address: 960 Hastings Street - Room 36 Baldwin, NY 11510
Phone: 516 868-1843
Email: Baldwinbta@aol.com
Website: www.baldwinschools.org/for-families-students/community-organizations/baldwin-teachers-association-bta

Baldwin Union Free School District
Contact: Mary Hobbs
Address: 960 Hastings Street Baldwin, NY 11510
Phone: 516-377-9271
Email: hobbsm@baldwinschools.org
Website: www.baldwinschools.org
We are a Public School District consisting of one high school, one middle school, five elementary schools and a District Office.