Community Organizations

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Baldwin Post #246, American Legion

Contact: Robert S. Hare, Post Commander

2754 Grand Avenue  Baldwin, NY 11510
Phone: 516-867-9873


Created in 1919, this patriotic organization is comprised of, and advocates for, Veterans of the USA. They will be celebrating 100 years of continuous service and membership on August 18, 2019. The purposes of the American Legion are: 1 - to uphold & defend the Constitution of the United States; 2 - to promote peace & good will among the people of the United States & all the nations on Earth; 3 - to preserve the memories & incidents of the two World Wars & the other great hostilities fought to uphold democracy; 4 - to cement the ties & comradeship born of service, and; 5 - to consecrate the efforts of its members to mutual helpfulness & service to their country, state & community. 

Baldwin Post #246, American Legion

Baldwin Public Library

Contact: Elizabeth Olesh

2385 Grand Avenue Baldwin, NY 11510
Phone: 516 223-6228


The Baldwin Public Library is an educational cultural and recreational institution serving all ages and interests in the Baldwin community. It is the mission of the Library to provide programs and services to promote enlightened citizenship and enrich personal lives.

Baldwin Public Library
Bethany house

Bethany House

Contact: Anne DeGegruttola

625 DeMott Ave
Baldwin, NY 11510

Phone: 516-868-6866

Bethany House provides a safe place for healing and personal growth for women and women with children experiencing homelessness. We provide programs and informed services health services, and management focused on securing educational and employment growth opportunities.

Bethany House